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Generator Transfer Switch Installation in Orlando, FL

If you are considering having a generator installed or you want to safely and easily run your portable generator, you may need our generator transfer switch installation services at A-Lumination Electric in Orlando, FL. We are a family-owned company that has been offering quality electrical services in Central Florida for more than two decades, and we look forward to helping you prepare your home for power outages. 

We would love to help with our generator transfer switch installation at A-Lumination Electric. Call us today at (407) 298-1412 or contact us online for electrical services in Orlando, FL.

What Is a Generator Transfer Switch? 

A generator transfer switch is a device that allows you to safely switch from using your panel to your generator in case of a power outage. The two main types of transfer switches include generator manual transfer switches and automatic transfer switches. 

The transfer switch that you will need will depend on the type of generator you have. If you have a portable generator, you will likely have a portable generator transfer switch that is manual. Automatic transfer switches are often installed with whole-home standby generators.

Are Transfer Switches Necessary?

A transfer switch is necessary for the safety of your electrical system and utility workers. If you don’t have an automatic or manual transfer switch, backfeeding can occur when electricity created by your generator flows back into the utility power grid. This can be dangerous for any utility workers who are working on the power lines. This backfeeding can also damage your electrical system and pose a fire hazard. Bringing in an electrician to install a generator transfer switch is the best way to prevent this from happening.

Transfer switches are also a good idea for portable generators because they improve safety while also making it more convenient to power up your portable generator. Rather than having to use extension cords to plug in the generator, you can plug it directly into the transfer switch at the electrical panel.

Our Generator Transfer Switch Installation Services

Our generator transfer switch installation services will begin with an assessment to determine the size and location of the transfer switch that you want to have installed. Usually, transfer switches are installed near your electrical panel. Next, we install the transfer switch so that it can be easily accessed. The installation itself involves running wires from your switch to your main electrical panel and ensuring that the switch is properly grounded and secured. 

Then, we will connect the generator to the switch and test the generator to make sure that everything is working properly. If installing an automatic transfer switch, we may turn off power to your main electrical panel to ensure that it turns on automatically. 

Are you ready to schedule an appointment with A-Lumination Electric for generator transfer switch installation? You can reach out to us online or call us to schedule an appointment. 

Why Choose A-Lumination Electric?

At A-Lumination Electric, there is nothing more important to us than the safety of your home and your family. Whether we are performing a major installation or a small repair, we are committed to quality services. 

Because we are a family-owned and -operated company that wants to help out other families in the area, we offer fair pricing. Rather than charging by the hour, we charge by the job. Because of this, you will always know what the project is going to cost before we even begin. 

Our vans and trucks are always packed full of everything we may need for our electrical services. Whether you need us to install a portable generator transfer switch or you need an emergency repair, we will be there on time, get the work done, and get out of your way so that you can enjoy the rest of the day. 

Quality Generator Services in Orlando, FL

When the power goes out, it is a good feeling to know that you will still be able to use all of your electrical appliances. With our generator transfer switch installation, you can switch quickly from using your electrical panel to using your generator for electricity. Whether you need an automatic or a manual transfer switch, it is important to have a licensed electrician come and do the work. At A-Lumination Electric, we offer timely and quality electrical services in Orlando, FL and we can’t wait to serve you. 

If you need an electrician to install a generator transfer switch, call A-Lumination Electric today at (407) 298-1412 for services in Orlando. You can also schedule generator transfer switch installation services through our website.